Classroom Management Strategies for High School Teachers

(Grades 9-12) / Flex Course

PDI Course Number: 102T02 / UCSD Course Number: EDUC40140

Course Description

Does managing your high school classroom seem like an impossible task? Most of us routinely invest a lot of time, effort, and energy into our most challenging students, oftentimes with unsustainable results. This online course begins by exploring different management styles as they relate to the dynamic elements of teaching teenagers. The course content addresses some of the most daunting classroom management issues including how to set boundaries and establish rapport, respecting diversity and differences, how to keep students motivated as you work to build a sense of community within your high school classroom. Issues related to social and emotional learning, particularly during the teenage years are explored. Strategies for how to shift the ownership of learning from teacher to student are shared so that students can feel more empowered and engaged. Teachers also learn the importance of being organized and proactive, as well as how to create clear and concise rules and routines which have logical consequences. Rounding out the course is how to handle some typical high school problem areas, reaching across the aisle to work with parents and administration, making technology work in your favor, and how to prevent and address bullying issues. By the end of this course, teachers will feel much more confident managing their high school classrooms. This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units/5 quarter units (50 hours of training) from University of California San Diego (UCSD) Division of Extended Studies. For detailed information on university credit, click here.

"LOVED this class! I got so much out of it! It was so helpful with ideas for my 9th grade students and the craziness of the high schoolers I work with. Thank you!! - Rachel Manko-Hinds

Enrollment Options

Course Only

$120 with the discount

Course with Credit from UCSD

$304 with the discount

This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units or 5 quarter units of graduate-level credit from UCSD.

You have up to one year from the date you are enrolled to complete a flex course.

Click here to view the course syllabus.

Print our customized course approval form to share with your school district.

UCSD Course Number: EDUC40140
Unit One
  • Breaking Down Classroom Management
  • The Dynamic Elements of the Teenage Experience
  • Relating Control to Classroom Management Styles
  • Assignment #1: Write an autobiography
  • Test #1
Unit Two
  • Starting the School Year Off Right
  • Setting Boundaries and Establishing Rapport
  • Classroom Rules and Procedures
  • Assignment #2: Article reflection
  • Test #2
Unit Three
  • Respecting Diversity and Differences
  • Building Community within a High School Classroom
  • How to Involve and Engage Students
  • Assignment #3: Share your expertise
  • Test #3
Unit Four
  • The Art of Motivation
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Active Learning
  • Test #4
Unit Five
  • Preventing and Addressing Bullying
  • The Proactive Approach to Discipline
  • Typical High School Problem Areas
  • Test #5
Unit Six
  • Making Allies, Not Enemies of Parents and Administration
  • Managing Cooperative Learning Groups
  • Making Technology Work for You
  • Assignment #4: Respond to classroom management scenarios
  • Assignment #5: Course Reflection

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