PDI Blog and Resources for Teachers

The Professional Development Institute has been offering quality professional development and resources to educators for over 27 years, and now we’re bringing you even more helpful tools with our PDI Blog. We respect how hard you work every single day to provide the best possible instruction so your students can be successful in your classroom and beyond. So, it is our goal to provide you with as much information and as many resources as possible to help make your teaching life easier.

Use the helpful tips, strategies, and resources we’ve provided immediately in the classroom. We will continue to add new blog articles and resources each month, so be sure to check back often or sign up to receive our e-mail to be alerted when there is a new post.

Establishing a Strong Classroom Community

Establishing a Strong Classroom Community
Teachers can build their classroom community by creating a safe, learning-intensive environment where students are respected, nurtured, and provided with opportunities to grow. In this blog article, we discuss a variety of ways in which you can establish a strong community within your classroom.   Posted March, 2025

Classroom Activities to Cultivate Empathy

Classroom Activities to Cultivate Empathy
As a teacher, it can feel daunting to have to add social-emotional learning into an already packed curriculum. However, social-emotional learning, particularly building empathy, is actually extremely helpful in cultivating academic skills. This article explores the different strategies that can be used to incorporate building empathy into academic skills.   Posted February, 2025

How to Use Google Drawings

How to Use Google Drawings
Google Drawings is an app that allows users to create shapes, flow charts, concept maps, and many other types of graphic organizers and diagrams. This blog article offers a basic overview of how to use Google Drawings.   Posted January, 2025

The Importance of Joy in the Classroom

The Importance of Joy in the Classroom
As teachers, it is important to create joy in the classroom for students throughout the day. In this blog article, we explain the academic benefits of cultivating joy in the classroom.   Posted December, 2024

Teaching Empathy to Reduce Bullying

Teaching Empathy to Reduce Bullying
Do you want to learn ways to reduce bullying in your classroom? This blog article discusses different strategies on how to reduce bullying and aggressive behavior in the classroom.   Posted December, 2024

Executive Function Deficits

Teacher Tip: Focused Interventions for Initiation Deficits
Do you have students who struggle to get started on assignments? This could be due to a deficit in the initiation executive function. In this article, PDI offers a great teacher tip on how to help students who struggle with initiation deficit.   Posted November, 2024

Connecting the Science of Reading to the Five Elements

Using SEL Strategies to Create Inclusive Practices in High School
This article describes how socioemotional learning can drive inclusive teaching practices. A variety of strategies are presented that could help create a student-centered classroom.   Posted November, 2024

Connecting the Science of Reading to the Five Elements

Connecting the Science of Reading to the Five Elements
What are the five key elements of the science of reading? This article explains the five key elements of the science of reading and when each element should be taught.   Posted November, 2024

Connecting Content with Literacy for Improved Comprehension

Connecting Content with Literacy for Improved Comprehension
This blog article provides several reading comprehension strategies that teachers can easily incorporate into the content areas.   Posted October, 2024

Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Mainstream Classroom

Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Mainstream Classroom
Does your classroom population include students with special needs, leaving you wondering how, as a general education teacher, you can best help them? This blog article offers three teaching strategies that can be immediately used to help students with special needs as they navigate the curriculum from their place in the general education classroom.   Posted July, 2024

The Benefits of Reading Strategy Groups

The Benefits of Reading Strategy Groups
This blog article discusses the benefits of reading strategy groups as an effective way to improve students’ reading comprehension and explores how it differs from guided reading.   Posted May, 2024

What is Differentiated Instruction?

What is Differentiated Instruction?
Are you struggling with how to meet the needs of the varied ability levels of your students? This blog article discusses differentiated instruction as a method of providing targeted, specific instruction tailored to the individual needs of students. The article also discusses how teachers can differentiate their instruction in one of four ways: through content, process, product, and learning environment.   Posted April, 2024

Creating a Student-Centered Classroom

Creating a Student-Centered Classroom in Grades 6-12
Shifting the focus from the teacher to the learners is a powerful classroom management strategy that can result in increased student motivation and engagement. In this article, we discuss how to create a student-centered classroom to increase motivation and engagement.   Posted January, 2024

Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies

Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies
This article explores trauma-informed teaching principles to mitigate the impact of trauma on students and increase student success in the classroom.   Posted December, 2023

Applying the Science of Reading in Grades 6-12

Applying the Science of Reading Principles in Grades 6-12
This blog article provides teachers with proven and effective strategies to enhance students' reading comprehension and provide aid to students who may struggle with reading, regardless of the subject matter being studied.   Posted November, 2023

teaching students to make S.M.A.R.T goals

Teaching Students to Make S.M.A.R.T. Goals
As educators, we know how important it is to set goals and take the steps necessary to achieve them. This blog article provides teachers a process they can use to guide students to create their own S.M.A.R.T goals for learning.   Posted October, 2023

What is the science of reading

What is the Science of Reading?
Are you one of the many educational professionals seeking to understand the science of reading? This blog article provides background knowledge on the basic principles of the science of reading to help you develop a deeper understanding.   Posted August, 2023

Discovering your own growth mindset

Discovering Your Own Growth Mindset
Are you interested in helping your students develop a growth mindset? If so, one of the best things that you can do is to take an honest assessment of your own mindset. Take the quiz and see what you discover about yourself.   Posted June, 2023

What is a growth mindset

What is a Growth Mindset and How Does it Impact Learning and Instruction?
Once students reach school age, they can be characterized as those who possess either a flexible or a fixed mindset. This article explores the characteristics and specifics regarding these two types of mindsets and how you can work with students to develop a growth mindset.   Posted May, 2023

Setting Goals for Executive Function Skills

Setting Goals to Improve the Executive Function Skills of Planning and Prioritizing
Do your students struggle to effectively plan and organize their tasks? In this blog article, we share strategies for improving these critical executive function skills.   Posted April, 2023

Improving Executive Function Skills

What are executive function skills and how do they impact learning?
Teachers are finding that students who struggle with class work and organization often have difficulty with executive function skills. In this blog article, we share details about executive function skills and how they impact students learning.   Posted March, 2023

Social and Emotional Learning for Students

What is Social and Emotional Learning?
I hear from teachers often that they are asked to use SEL in the classroom but they don’t know where to start. I get it. It can seem overwhelming. So let’s break it down a bit....   Posted February, 2023

SEL skills for content areas

Integrating Social and Emotional Learning Skills into the Content Areas
For many educators, integrating SEL into the content areas may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. We have some great strategies for you!   Posted February, 2023

Social and Emotional Learning Teaching Practices

Ten Teaching Practices that Support Social and Emotional Learning
Teachers love lists and this one has exceptional strategies that you can put into action immediately in your classroom to support your SEL practices!   Posted February, 2023

Safe Classrooms for Social and Emotional Learning

Creating a Safe Classroom to Foster Social and Emotional Skills
Creating a classroom environment in which students feel safe to learn and grow is critical to fostering student's social and emotional skills. Gain tips for establishing a safe classroom in this blog article.   Posted February, 2023

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