Preparing English Language Learners for Success

(Grades K-6) / Flex Course

PDI Course Number: 37T02 / UCSD Course Number: EDUC40111

Course Description

Do you find yourself struggling for ways to better assist your English language learners? This online course is designed for teachers who want to dig deep into their own teaching practices and explore strategies and initiatives for incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences so that the focus is on the whole child/student, including his/her cultural and linguistic identity. The course begins by building a solid understanding of language domains, types, and the levels of language acquisition. Information on ENL best practices and models for teaching ESL are shared as well as specific strategies for incorporating them into the teaching of reading, writing, speaking and listening, mathematics, science, and social studies. Teachers will gain a solid understanding of the various ESL models and how to grow their ELL students’ vocabularies and comprehension by setting goals, using their home language and culture, and communicating with caregivers. Teachers will also learn appropriate ways to assess their ESL students. Finally, teachers will learn best practices for serving newcomers. By the end of this course, teachers will feel more confident and effective teaching their ENL/ESL/ELL students. This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units/5 quarter units (50 hours of training) from University of California San Diego (UCSD) Division of Extended Studies. For detailed information on university credit, click here.

"In my 15 years of teaching ESL, I can honestly say this was the best training I received. The content, the resources, the strategies were superior to any training I've received thus far." - Janine Burns

Enrollment Options

Course Only

$120 with the discount

Course with Credit from UCSD

$304 with the discount

This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units or 5 quarter units of graduate-level credit from UCSD.

You have up to one year from the date you are enrolled to complete a flex course.

Click here to view the course syllabus.

Print our customized course approval form to share with your school district.

UCSD Course Number: EDUC40111
Unit One
  • What is an English language learner?
  • Language Domains, Types, and Considerations
  • Levels of Language Acquisition
  • Assignment #1: Write an autobiography
  • Test #1
Unit Two
  • Models for Teaching ESL
  • Standards-Based Learning Objectives
  • English Language Development Best Practices
  • Assignment #2: Article reflection
  • Test #2
Unit Three
  • Strategies for Reading
  • Strategies for Writing
  • Strategies for Speaking
  • Strategies for Listening
  • Assignment #3: Share your expertise
  • Test #3
Unit Four
  • Strategies for Math
  • Strategies for Science
  • Strategies for Social Studies
  • Test #4
Unit Five
  • Vocabulary Growth
  • Goal Setting to Level Up
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Test #5
Unit Six
  • Serving Newcomers
  • Using Home Language and Culture to Support English Language Learners
  • Communicating with Caregivers
  • Assignment #4: Analyze a student and develop a learning plan
  • Assignment #5: Course Reflection

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