Improving Your Students' Test Taking Skills

(Grades 2-12) / Flex Course

PDI Course Number: 30T03 / UCSD Course Number: EDUC41458

Course Description

Are you looking for strategies to help your students prepare for the rigors of high-stakes testing? This online course is designed for teachers in grades 2-12 who are interested in learning how to improve their students’ test-taking skills. Teachers will learn how embracing a growth mindset contributes to students’ metacognitive and problem-solving skills. Teachers will also explore several time management techniques that are designed to help students make the most of the testing time frame as well as their study time. Specific problem-solving strategies such as test cues, word parts, and strategic guessing are discussed, specifically as they relate to building students’ problem-solving skills and boosting their comprehension. Techniques for using mnemonics and other memorization techniques are also shared. Teachers will also explore a variety of test formats to better help students become more test-wise. Specific test-taking strategies are explored in an effort to help students improve their standardized test scores, causing them to feel more confident answering all types of questions including essay, multiple-choice, short answer, and even performance-based tasks. By the end of this course, teachers will feel more confident in their quest to better prepare their class with the necessary tools so that their students can become effective and engaged test-takers and lifelong learners. This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units/5 quarter units (50 hours of training) from University of California San Diego (UCSD) Division of Extended Studiesn. For detailed information on university credit, click here.

"The content of this course is very comprehensive. All types of testing concerns were addressed and I became more aware of test "clues" even after many years of teaching." - Victoria Goodhue

Enrollment Options

Course Only

$120 with the discount

Course with Credit from UCSD

$304 with the discount

This course is worth 3 ⅓ semester units or 5 quarter units of graduate-level credit from UCSD.

You have up to one year from the date you are enrolled to complete a flex course.

Click here to view the course syllabus.

Print our customized course approval form to share with your school district.

UCSD Course Number: EDUC41458
Unit One
  • Introduction to Curriculum Standards
  • The History of Standardized Testing
  • An Introduction to Standardized Testing
  • Assignment #1: Write an autobiography
  • Test #1
Unit Two
  • Growth Mindset
  • Metacognition and Problem Solving
  • Creating Effective and Engaged Lifelong Learners
  • Assignment #2: Article reflection
  • Test #2
Unit Three
  • Time Management for Better Test Taking
  • Understanding Test Formats
  • Teaching Test Study Techniques
  • Assignment #3: Share your expertise
  • Test #3
Unit Four
  • Teaching Memorization Techniques
  • Teaching Guessing Techniques
  • Test Cues and Word Parts
  • Test #4
Unit Five
  • Success Strategies for Standardized Tests
  • Success Strategies for Essay Tests
  • Success Strategies for Objective Tests
  • Success Strategies for Performance-Based Tasks
  • Test #5
Unit Six
  • Sample Standardized Test Battery Categories and Questions
  • Preparation Activities
  • Preparing Students for High-Stakes Exams
  • Assignment #4: Create two tests on a basic subject and include testing cues
  • Assignment #5: Course Reflection

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